The young people who attend our Scout Group are the most important people in our Group. All the children who attend Scouting in our Group, have the right to enjoy a safe, caring environment, safe from harm and able to fully enjoy their Scouting in the manner that Scouting has been renowned for for many years.
As a Scout Group we will not tolerate bullies or any form of bullying in our Group. When problems arise we will first discuss this with the parties involved. If this does not resolve the problem, we will then involve parents. If the situation still continues we will dismiss the individual(s) from the Group. Please note that there is a right of appeal over this decision, but we are commited to enabling our youngsters to enjoy Scouting in a safe & caring environment and will not tolerate any form of bullying.
Children have the right to protection from all forms of violence (physical or mental). They must be given proper care by those looking after them" (The united Nations convention on the rights of the child, article 19)
The scout Association is commited to this ethos and seeks to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicle, the prevention of all forms of bullying among members. To this end all scouting activities should have in place rigorous anti- bullying strategies.
It is the responsibility of all adults in scouting to help develop a caring & supportive atmosphere, where bullying in any form is unacceptable. Adults in scouting should :
Be aware of the potential problems bulling may cause
Be alert to signs of bullying, harassment or discrimination
Take action to deal with such behaviour when it occurs, following Association policy guidelines
Provide access for young people to talk about any concerns they may have
Encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like.
Help ensure that their Group / section has a published anti-bullying code.